Membrane Solutions

Culligan’s Membrane Solutions can greatly decrease turbidity, suspended solids, dissolved solids and organic substances.  Cost Savings and the reduction of chemical regenerants are a result of the increased efficiency of your equipment and process.

Our innovative series of products can increase energy efficiency, lower your consumption and cost of chemicals, and significantly reduce scale build-up in equipment. This is accomplished by the reduction turbidity, suspended solids and organic substances.

Culligan Membranes Solutions are engineered to meet your specific requirements for numerous applications.   Existing in a variety of capacities, our Membranes offer superior results for many applications as an element in an overall custom Culligan water treatment solution.


  • Substantial cost savings
  • Improved energy efficiency
  • Enhanced total system performance
  • Scale reduction
  • Clear, clean, fresh-tasting water
  • Spot-free rinses

We provide quality equipment specs, engineering, & CAD drawings. Fill out this form to get started:

A Complete Multi-Stage Filtration Solution

Reverse Osmosis

Reverse Osmosis is process that provides superior level of filtration.  Pressurized water goes through a semi-permeable membrane to remove dissolved materials from the water permeate. RO is one of the most useful filtration methods for salts, micro-contaminants and organic substances such as viruses and bacteria, which makes it the ultimate solution for applications where high-purity water is needed.


  • Food & Beverage Production
  • Boiler and Deionization System Pre-treatment
  • Ice Production and Drinking Water
  • Restaurant and Grocery Stores
  • Water Jet Cutting
  • Steam Production & Humidification


Micro-filters help remove solids and reduce turbidity, conditioning the water for disinfection and reverse osmosis.


Ultra-filters remove high molecular weight dissolved substances and also help in turbidity reduction


Nano-filters reduce multivalent ions and dissolved constituents.

Industrial Case Studies

Discover a complete solution for comprehensive results

Read about customers who have improved their business with a Mid-Atlantic WaterWorks Solutions, and then Contact us so we can begin designing your success story.

Culligan is the World leader in commercial and industrial water filtration systems
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